Three Things Thursday

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  1. I’m on a Pregnancy Yoga Kick at the moment and have attended a class at Canada Waters Studio, another one at work, and another at Yoga Creation London. I still think it’s important to get my heart rate up during pregnancy (this weekend, I tried this workout on YouTube and loved it), but I feel in less pain and less creaky after stretching it out at Yoga. Yay to having 17 weeks left!
  2. I’m seeing a Chiropractor during this Pregnancy as well. About two weeks ago, I felt a bit down because I had hip pain and I just envisioned a miserable 20 weeks ahead of me. Instead, I decided to do something about it, and made an appointment with a Chiropractor and I’m in love. She aligned my Pelvis during our first appointment, recommended a birthing ball, as well as a hypnobirthing book.
  3. I recently got myself some Pip and Nut Squeeze packs and they are to die for! The peanut butter tastes delicious!

3 thoughts on “Three Things Thursday

  1. I’m so happy that you’re making your pregnancy more comfortable!

    And, mmmmmmm, peanut butter! I adore peanut butter…I might have to give those a try. šŸ˜€

    Have a beautiful week!

    (Also, feel free to add your post to the link up…I’d love to have you there!)

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